Powering the Mission

Making Solar a Reality for Nonprofit Organizations


Positive financial and environmental benefits


Align your values with your investments


Ignite more sales, and serve more nonprofits

Our mission

With a primary focus on community development, we engage values-aligned capital to solve social and environmental challenges and to foster a vibrant, financially sustainable non-profit ecosystem, advancing equity, priority communities in their pursuit of a stronger, more resilient social fabric.

non-profits and solar, the perfect match.

Collective Sun helps make solar for nonprofits a reality. We help organizations secure affordable financing and streamline project implementation.

Proof in the Numbers

With over ten years of experience working with nonprofit and tax exempt organizations across the country, CollectiveSun has a track record we are proud to share.

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What our Partners in sustainability have to say

"We partnered with CollectiveSun to finance the solar project because of their unique skills and expertise in working with nonprofits. It is with great pleasure that I recommend CollectiveSun to any organization considering solar power for their facilities."
--- Craig Schiller, Former Manager
Sunbury Bible ChurchNorthumberland, PA
"It was a genuine pleasure to work with CollectiveSun to make the switch to solar energy which will allow us to expand the vision of our church. Their expertise, professionalism, and knowledge of the industry were invaluable in making our switch to solar energy easy and affordable. I would absolutely recommend working with CollectiveSun to any church, nonprofit, or ministry seeking to go solar."
— Deacon Jim Kohl
Habitat for HumanitySan Diego, CA
"The team at CollectiveSun is fantastic. They have been so helpful, informative, encouraging — and really walked us through every step of the way. Their experience and guidance is exactly what we needed."
— Karen Begin, Chief Development Officer
Grace Point ChurchSan Diego, CA
"Our team overseeing the project interviewed several firms, and ultimately chose to work with CollectiveSun. We are so glad we did! Our church chose to install a 100kW system, and we were able to save 15% on our initial installation with CollectiveSun’s proprietary funding model."
— Pastor Bob Johnson
Museum of Photographic ArtsSan Diego, CA
“CollectiveSun has a truly unique product, a truly unique offering. Our experience working with CollectiveSun was beyond fabulous. I’m happy to get on a soapbox, at any opportunity, to explain how great it is to have a for—profit company that’s focused on nonprofits and makes what has the potential to be a really daunting challenge around tax credits and implementation easy. They just basically do it all for you. It was amazing.”
— Vivienne Esrig, Deputy Director
Tucson Symphony OrchestraTucson, CA
“The whole process of working with CollectiveSun was so simple. CollectiveSun’s transparency, combined with the ease of working with solar installer Technicians for Sustainability, made it easy for our finance committee to approve moving forward with the project.”
— Paula Egan, VP of Finance
San Diego Center for ChildrenSan Diego, CA
“The team at CollectiveSun was extremely helpful. They really worked with us to get all the needed information and explain why it was needed, meeting with us several times. As we worked together, they really sought to understand where we were coming from as a nonprofit, such as understanding our limited staff and time. They were great to work with”
— Kristi Worley, Director of Philanthropy
Camp Rising SunRhinebeck, NY
“CollectiveSun was a wonderful partner. They had an understanding of how nonprofits operate, provided great front-end support to help us get focused on the right things, and gave our team confidence that we were crossing all the “t’s and dotting all the “i’s” as we moved through the process. CollectiveSun was also available to help us with all the questions that came up as we had never done an installation like this before.”
— Tim Conners, Alumnus and Board Member
Second ChanceSan Diego, CA
Second Chance equips individuals in need with the tools they need to stand on their own two feet — making our communities safer and stronger. By lowering the operational costs for our Sober-Living Transitional Housing Program, partnering with CollectiveSun to go solar has made this vital program more sustainable, and increased our ability to provide the tools and resources for justice-involved individuals to forge a new path for their lives.”
— Bill Payne, President & CEO
Newtown Congregational ChurchNewtown, CT
“Solar PV helps Newtown, CT with their mission of being a sustainable town. The financial savings is helping Newtown Congregational Church keep the doors open.”
— Barbara Donahue, NCC Congregant and Solar Committee Member
St. Peters Episcopal ChurchWeston, MA
“We appreciate the fact that CollectiveSun is doing what they’re doing. CollectiveSun was very professional, and the Solar Power Agreement that they served up was very professionally done. That whole process worked very smoothly, so they have been a very good partner, and we look forward to working with them going forward.”
— Jim McDaniel, Parishioner and Property Committee Member
Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchLafayette, CA
“Working with CollectiveSun brought cost savings, but we also really appreciated having another experienced partner involved with the project. They’ve done so many systems with so many installers and have seen it all. There were points in the project where we got the benefit of that level of experience, like getting a second set of eyes on our project proposal and adjusting details like making sure we had an extended warranty on our inverter. So there was a lot of value in engaging with CollectiveSun, even beyond the economic benefit.”
— Chris House, Treasurer
Vista Community ClinicVista, CA
“It was really refreshing to see that there are business entities out there whose mission is to help nonprofits succeed. It is so valuable for different organizations within a community to come together, bring what they do to the table, and let something good arise from it.”
— Michele Lambert, Chief Financial Officer
Congregation Shaarei TefillahNewton Centre, MA
“I heard through our chosen contractor that he had to do a lot of work with regards to due diligence to make sure he was going to do the kind of job that was appropriate. That was definitely a benefit of working with CollectiveSun, because we’re a bunch of lay volunteers with some degree of knowledge, but nothing near the expertise displayed by CollectiveSun. CollectiveSun was fantastic. They were more than happy to talk with us, to put the right people in contact with us in order to make us feel comfortable with how things worked.”
— Michael Rubin, Congregant and Former President
Lawrence Family Jewish Community CenterSan Diego, CA
“It makes a big difference having a partner who’s experienced in helping nonprofits go solar. We’ve had a positive experience being supported by the CollectiveSun team, even after the go-live date. The team is continuing to guide us through the daily operations and recommending ways to optimize the investment in our system.”
— Dan Shapiro, Marketing Director

Interested in getting solar for your nonprofit?

Learn more here and contact us here.