[vc_rowBe sure to check out this great coverage of CollectiveSun from the clean energy experts over at the CleanTechies Blog!

CleanTechies was impressed by CollectiveSun’s innovative new approach to providing solar power to nonprofits in the San Diego area, so they wrote up this great summary of the process from start to finish. This article has some excellent insights into the way that CollectiveSun raises funds and installs the actual solar panels.

This piece also discusses some of CollectiveSun’s valued partners on previous projects – both TERI, Inc. and Baker Electric Solar – and provides an excellent description of the different pieces of the CollectiveSun puzzle.

We’d like to say a special thank you to CleanTechies for this great write-up, and for helping to spread the word about CollectiveSun!

If you have any questions about CollectiveSun, our goals, or this article, be sure to drop us a line in the comments – or feel free to contact us, we’re always happy to help!

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