If you have been following CollectiveSun’s nonprofit email series you’ve heard a little bit about the many varied ways that different nonprofits approach funding their endeavors.

Nonprofits are equally as varied as other businesses – they range from small, startup sized organizations all the way to huge national nonprofits that employ hundreds of full-time employees. It is for this reason that no single funding strategy can adequately address the concerns of the wide-range of nonprofit organizations that exist.

Today we’ll examine just one of the many funding models employed by nonprofits throughout the country. This funding model, known as the Member Motivator model, focuses on generating funds by motivating a nonprofit’s entire diverse member base. This model can be used for nonprofits both large and small, but they must have an active and engaged membership that is ready to support the nonprofit’s endeavors.

The nonprofits that benefit the most from the Member Motivator model normally include those involved with religion, the environment, the arts, culture, and the humanities. Individuals are normally very passionate about these causes, allowing organizations to key in on that passion and provide an outlet for its constructive application.

One example of this is the National Wild Turkey Foundation’s extremely popular fundraising banquets. The NWTF is responsible for protecting and expanding wild turkey habitats, and they do this with money raised from members. The NWTF hosts some 2,000+ banquets each year, and raise more than 80% of their overall funds at the events. The events are structured so that members have numerous opportunities to give money: entry tickets, merchandise purchasing, even raffle tickets. Members have a great night out and support a cause they are passionate about, while the NWTF raises funds to continue their mission.

Nonprofit directors considering employing the Member Motivator model should ask themselves a few simple questions:

  • Will our members be happy with the results delivered by the organization, even if they don’t benefit personally?
  • Do we have the manpower and infrastructure to engage and organize our members and fundraising?
  • Can we remain true to our members and our core mission, even if it means missing out on valuable funding opportunities and avoiding pursuits that will not satisfy our members?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then the Member Motivator model might be the perfect solution for your nonprofit’s funding concerns.

Engaged and active members are an important asset for every nonprofit, but when utilizing the Member Motivator model they become the key focus of your organization’s fundraising efforts. Keep your members happy, and your organization will thrive.
If you have any questions about nonprofit funding, the Member Motivator model, or the work done at CollectiveSun, please drop us a line in the comments. Or, feel free to contact us at any time – we’re always happy to meet new people and help nonprofits any way we can!

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